20th Anniversary Projects
As part of our 20th anniversary celebrations the AWT has committed to the following projects which we believe will deliver on our commitment to Champion, Study and Protect our Island’s Wildlife.…
My project
Craig gives up his time volunteering in the Bluebell Community Garden. Transforming the garden into a positive space for local people to enjoy, Craig has felt himself become relaxed and happier,…
Pollinator Project
Our Ocean Gala for the FishIntel Project!
At the end of July, we held an Ocean Gala at the Georgian House to help raise funds for the FishIntel Project!
Bailiwick Eelgrass Exploration Project (BEEP)
Alderney Grazing Animals Project
Alderney Waste to Food Project
These mysterious and beautiful creatures rely on warm ocean currents to ‘sail’ them around the world... not a bad life?
Red kite
Seeing a red kite soaring high in the sky is a true delight! Once a very rare bird, thanks to successful reintroduction projects these wonderful birds can now be seen in lots of places in the UK…
Hen harrier
The hen harrier has been severely persecuted for taking game species and has suffered massive declines in numbers as a result. Thankfully, conservation projects are underway to reduce conflict…